Welcome to Wimdows on the World, my home and away page![]() |
14 June 2011 - From now on, you can find my datavis experiments here... |
June 2011 - All of a sudden I have a legitimate reason to start doing something about this site again: recently I have started delving into the subject of datavisualisation. More specifically I have started learning Protovis and D3, two JavaScript libraries developed by Mike Bostock and his colleagues over at Stanford University. It is my intention to start as a freelance datavisualizer as soon as possible. My main aim is to develop interactive visualisations of all kinds of data for online media. |
07 December 2010 - Frequent visitors know I don't have a lot of time for posts nowadays - with the exception of course of the Photo of the Day, which is still going strong as ever. Maybe some of you had already noticed the RSS feed available on this site. I must say I think it is the best way for keeping up with the daily goings-on here in Amsterdam and on this site. Recently I noticed it especially works very well on my mobile. |
12 May 2010 - Here's a photo series that is long overdue: portraits from Zambia. I made the pictures for the Nederlands Instituut voor Zuidelijk Afrika (Niza) (the Dutch Institute for Southern Africa). The pictures were used in a couple of publications and they have been added to the international ActionAid photo archives. |
![]() 10 May 2010 - Amsterdam has a new artificial outdoor bouldering wall. Well, actually it isn't officialy open to the public yet. This, of course, didn't deter me form checking it out. It's not a big wall, but it offers enough variety in holds and angles for a day out with a bunch of bouldering enthousiasts. And it's a decent training facility for anyone living nearby. The wall is part of a children's payground i the eastern part of Amsterdam, called the Watergraafsmeer. The official opening date is the 19th of May. See you there. |
06 January 2010 - Okay, there you are, number 2.500. That´s a considerable number. Again I didn´t make any fuzz about reaching this milestone. Although maybe my photo´s do deserve more attention. Fear of failure, of course, and fake modesty. But there is also the fear something crucial might change if to many people would visit each day, if I start feeling watched, I mean. Never the less, enjoy the photo of Number One child. There is some unsharpness because of the low light, but it's an honest portrait, with just minimal PS'ing. |
05 January 2010 - Best of wishes to all visitors! Tomorrow I will publish Photo of the Day number 2.500. That's seven years worth of photographs. Go and have a look... |
22 December 2009 - Just to weeks seperate us from quite a momentous occasion: I will be publishing my 2.500th Photo of the Day on this site. |
30 July 2009 - We just came back from a working week in Zambia - a country in need of development if ever there was one. My partner Liz was assigned to do a number of interviews there with women in rural areas on land rights, their current state of emancipation, and life in general. It was my job to take some pictures. In order to insure the best possible results, I had bought a new camera (a Panasonic G1) just a few days before we left. The trip was very memorable; the photographic results are pretty decent. Expect a selection to be published on this site shortly (this, of course, includes the Photo's of the Day). |
06 January 2009 - I want to use one of the rare spare moments I have these days to wish all you wimdows watchers all the bes for the coming year. The signs don't bode all that well, but let's hope events will take a turn for the better after all. I would also like to welcome you to yet another year of daily photographs. 2008 was a very busy year and it wasn't easy keeping the series going. Having done so after all, I feel it's even more important to keep on keeping on in the foreseeable future. Somewhere in April or May of 2009 my Wimdows on the World will enter it's 7th year of existence. This surely must make it the longest running series of daily photographs in the entire internet. (I haven't checked this thoroughly. But I'm quite certain I'm right. Evidence to the contrary can be mailed here. Thanks for watching! |
16 August 2008 - So there it is, my 2,000th Photo of the Day. To celibrate, here it is in a large format... For you to print or something. |
06 June 2008 - Two macro photo's in a row?! Is someone taking it easy here? To compensate, specially for the Lara-fans out there, I have a portrait of hers for you, bigger than usual and in good old black-and-white - here it is. |
08 May 2008 - Today I will publish the 1900th Photo of the Day. That means there is only 100 more to go before I reach that -if not magical, at least well rounded- 2000 mark. I might have smuggled some in the early days (as in skipping a day or using a picture of an earlier date), but I still think I made a good effort in doing so. When I started out, I was looking for some sort of discipline that would allow me to learn photography. Gradually the disciplinary goals have become secondary to the goal of maintaining this series. In keeping with Robert Fripp's aphorism found on the sleeve of King Crimson's album Discipline: "Discipline is never an end in itself, only a means to an end.
The calender function on my calculator tells me this festive moment will arrive mid-August (the 16th). This coincides nicely with my birthday and our moving to another part of Amsterdam. Loyal(!) wimdows-visitors are of course invited to the annexing party on Saturday the 16th (details). Anyone who has been photoblogging on a daily basis for over five years is welcome too. |
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